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Access to the VIP Channel

You must have VIP status on French Balut’s Twitch channel as well as on Discord.

VIP status offers many advantages as much on the Twitch channel and on Discord.
Those who are given VIP status in streams (and Discord) will be privy to performing the following actions:

  1. Chat without being affected by slow, sub-only, or followers-only modes
  2. Chat without being affected by rate limits
  3. Chat in all rooms except Mod-only rooms
  4. Post links in chat even when links are disabled
  5. You will receive a special VIP badge on Twitch.
  6. Will allow you to have access to the private VIP channel on the Discord of French Balut.
vip twitch status philippines

The best gaming community in the Philippines!

Whether you are looking for Twitch streamers to watch regularly, or find friends to play your favorite video games, the French Balut gaming community welcomes you with open arms. Oui! The main thing is to share friendly moments around gaming in general, whether in Tagalog, English or French.
So who will be the channel’s first VIP?

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If there is nothing in a chest, the chest doesnā€™t mean anything

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