Guide 2022: Playing Agent Cypher abilities & tips.

Cypher is one the Agent you have to unlock in Valorant. It’s one of the Sentinel (like Chamber, Killjoy, Sage) specialised in keeping under surveillance every opponent’s movement.
Amir El Amari (Arabic: اَمير; meaning “prince”) hails from Rabat, Morocco, where Bind is also located. Growing up and living there in poverty at times, he harbors a negative view towards Kingdom Corporation because of their ventures into his hometown, depleting it of resources. He once knew someone called Nora, though she along with other members of El Amari’s family met a tragic fate.
Although he is a rather lonely Agent, he shines especially when he is played with responsive teammates. He is able to control an entire zone by himself, waiting for his allies to back up. He uses many spy gadgets for this.
Before anything else, we advise you to familiarise yourself with Cypher’s abilities.
Using Cypher’s abilities well
Cypher is a formidable opponent. Nothing the enemy team does escapes his notice, and the role of Sentinel suits him admirably. Traps, camera, detection wire… He has all the arsenal of a real spy, and will be a real asset to reveal the position of the opposing team to his teammates. His trap also allows him to slow down and narrow his enemies’ field of vision. As you will have understood, Cypher is therefore someone who is better to have in your team than against you..
Cypher is an Agent who requires preparation to reveal his full potential. By jointly using each of his abilities, he can make an area impenetrable for his opponents.
Trapwire (C):
Cypher equips himself with a wire trap. FIRE to place a wire-creating device to the opposite wall. The first opponent to cross the wire is slowed and revealed to all your allies. Opponents can destroy the device. The beam is invisible to opponents unless at close range.

Use Trapwires in the corridors leading to zones to reveal durably your opponent’s position to your team. The unfortunate who crosses your trap will also be slowed down, making them totally vulnerable. Cypher and his teammates can remain hidden until the Trapwire is activated and then punish the reckless opponent. Since enemy can destroy Trapwires, place them smartly so that the laser is only visible when it’s too late.
Cyber Cage (A):
The Cyber Cage is another surveillance tool to deploy. Put it on the ground, in the crack of a door or in an access corridor and it will become invisible until Cypher triggers it again. If an enemy passes within range, you will hear a small notification sound. By then activating the cage, you can trap an opponent in a column of smoke. A new sound notification will be sent to Cypher each time an opponent passes through the smoke column.
The device triggers both upwards and downwards. By placing the Cybergage on a slope or on an object, the column of smoke will block the vision under the trap. However, if you place your skill high enough, the spine may not reach the floor, creating opportunities for one-ways.

On its own, the Cybercage can never really stop or slow down an enemy assault. It only allows you to block vision in a given area and identify opponents who cross it. Use it to monitor access to a given location, while you monitor another access with your eyes or your camera. Once the column is deployed, it will then act as a classic smoke bomb, making the entry of opponents more perilous.
Spy Cam (E):
Signature – 1 possible use per round. Cypher’s Spycam allows you to keep an eye on a place without taking risks, even if it’s very far from you. It allows you to stay as 5 close to a bomb site while monitoring another. Place it in rather raised places, on spots which allow you to monitor several entrances at the same time. Used with the cage, you will be able to activate the latter much more efficiently.
At the controls of Cypher, it is recommended to monitor the place in front of you as a priority and to only glance at your camera for a fraction of a second, fairly regularly, to check that no one is passing elsewhere. When you spot an enemy, immediately communicate the information to your allies and try to mark an opponent with the dart equipped on the camera.

It’s essential to vary the places you put your traps at when you play Cypher. They will always work the first time, but your enemies will start to notice your habits if you always place your camera at the same spot. Find 3 different layouts for your abilities for each Spike site and alternate between them, otherwise Cypher will quickly lose his efficiency.
Neural Theft, Cypher’s Ultimate (X):
Cypher’s Ultimate ability is technically a short wallhack for your entire team. It highlights the location of all alive opponents to you and your allies. The opponents are also shown on the minimap and we advise you to take a look at it immediately after launching the ability.

Don’t use Neural Theft where you’re already greatly disadvantaged. In a scenario when you are alone against four players, you have too little chance of winning the round and will be the only one to benefit from this crucial information. Instead, use Neural Theft to secure victory in a balanced round or already to your advantage.
Playing Cypher in Attack
Even in attack, Cypher fulfils a rather defensive role. By using his Trapwire and his Cybercage, he prevents enemies from bypassing you. An enemy detected behind the team’s back is potentially in a weak situation if the whole Cypher team rushes them after they’re detected.
The Trapwire also makes it possible to monitor comings and goings of players between two Spike sites. Cypher can also use his camera to better see in these corridors or even to inspect a site, even if it will probably be destroyed very quickly by enemies.
Playing Cypher in Defense
Cypher excels in defense. He takes full advantage of the buy phase to establish his strategy and decide where to put each of his traps and devices. He can exempt his whole team from monitoring one of the sites thanks to an ingenious use of each of his abilities. Cypher can accompany his four allies to site A and inspect site B using his camera. If there’s trouble at site A, he turns off his camera and is ready to fight. If it’s on site B, he can warn his team and everyone can leave to reposition themselves.
Few tips and tricks:
Neural Theft can only be used on a opponent’s corpse, dead for less than 7 seconds. Try to decide rather quickly if you want to use it or not.
The Trapwire can be placed on floors, ceilings and irregular surfaces as well as on walls. Be creative.
Opponents who trigger the Trapwire only have a few seconds to destroy it before it slows them down.
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